Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Type Beyond the Computer

In today's world, a large portion of the text we see, read, and write is viewed on a digital screen. From our phone, to laptops, to our television screens, we are reading pixels, day after day. I think it's important to remember that typography existed before the computer, and that there is a much larger range of creativity possible in a 3d format rather than on a 2d surface. Here are some recent finds of physical, touchable type that is captured in photography.

Anamorphic Typography by Joseph Egan

Anamorphic Typography, video receding in space:

Anamorphic Typography by Ole Martin Lund Bo

Shadow Typography by Eerdekens

Various Works by Lo Siento

Extasis Poster:

Wired Magazine with Bubble Wrap:

Codica with Cats:

4D Type:

The Pinker Tones:

When people think of graphic design, they often think of computers. And when I was in high school, I too thought that design was a realm that only existed in pixels to print. Design is so much more than just layouts, fonts, and keyboards. I really want to experiment with constructing design and type outside of the computer, and even 2d spaces. The examples above not only inspired me, but made me believe that I can do it! Maybe.

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